D r . E v i a n G o r d o n P u b l i c a t i o n s
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Sebastian Olbrich, Anja Tränkner, Galina Surova, Richard Gevirtz, Evian Gordon, Ulrich Hegerl, Martijn Arns (2016). CNS-and ANS-arousal predict response to antidepressant medication: Findings from the randomized iSPOT-D study Journal of psychiatric research 73, 108-115.
M Arns, G Bruder, U Hegerl, C Spooner, DM Palmer, A Etkin, K Fallahpour, JM Gatt, L Hirshberg, E Gordon (2016). EEG alpha asymmetry as a gender-specific predictor of outcome to acute treatment with different antidepressant medications in the randomized iSPOT-D study 2016, Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (1), 509-519.
M Arns, E Gordon, NN Boutros (2015). EEG Abnormalities Are Associated With Poorer Depressive Symptom Outcomes With Escitalopram and Venlafaxine-XR, but Not Sertraline Results From the Multicenter Randomized iSPOT-D Study 2015, Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 1550059415621435.
S Olbrich, G Surova, A Tränkner, R Gevirtz, E Gordon, U Hegerl, M Arns (2015). V22. EEG-vigilance and the autonomous nervous system in the prediction of antidepressant treatment: Findings from the iSPOT-D study 2015, Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (8), e77.
Mayuresh S Korgaonkar, William Rekshan, Evian Gordon, A John Rush, Leanne M Williams, Christine Blasey, Stuart M Grieve (2015). Pre-treatment Brain MRI Measures to Identify Individuals Who Will and Will Not Remit During Acute Phase Treatment With Anti-depressant Medications-Results From the iSPOT-D Study 2015, Biological Psychiatry 77 (9), 32S-32S.
Mayuresh S Korgaonkar, William Rekshan, Evian Gordon, A John Rush, Leanne M Williams, Christine Blasey, Stuart M Grieve (2015). Magnetic resonance imaging measures of brain structure to predict antidepressant treatment outcome in major depressive disorder EBioMedicine 2 (1), 37-45.
E Gordon, AJ Rush, DM Palmer, TA Braund, W Rekshan (2015). Toward an online cognitive and emotional battery to predict treatment remission in depression, Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 11, 517.
Dinterin RV, Arns M, Kenemans L, Jongsma ML, Kessels RP, Fitzgerald P, Fallahpur K, Debattista C, Gordon E, Williams LM. (2015). Utility of event-related potentials in predicting antidepressant treatment response: An iSPOT-D report. European Neuropsychopharmacol., Aug 6. pii: S0924-977X(15)00240-0. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2015.07.022.
Williams LM, Korgaonkar MS, Song YC, Paton R, Eagles S, Etkin A, Gordon E. (2015). Amygdala reactivity to emotional faces in the prediction of general and medication-specific responses to antidepressant treatment in the randomized iSPOT-D trial. Neuropsychopharmacology. 40: 2398-2408. PMID: 25824424.
10. Arns M, Etkin A, Hegerl U, Williams LM, DeBattista C, Palmer DM, Fitzgerald PB, Harris A, deBeuss R, Gordon E. (2015). Frontal and rostral anterior cingulate (rACC) theta EEG in depression: Implications for treatment outcome? Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 25(8):1190-200.
11. Saveanu R*, Etkin A*, Duchemin A-E, Goldstein-Piekarski A, Gyurak A, Debattista C, Schatzberg AF, Sood S, Day VA, Palmer DM, Rekshan WR, Gordon E, Rush AJ, Williams LM. (2015). The International Study to Predict Optimized Treatment in Depression (iSPOT-D): Outcomes from the acute phase of antidepressant treatment. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 61: 1-12. ** Equal first authors.
12. Shameran Slewa-Younan, Evian Gordon, Anthony W Harris, Albert R Haig, Kerri J Brown, Pierre Flor-Henry, Leanne M Williams (2014). Sex differences in functional connectivity in first-episode and chronic schizophrenia patients, American Journal of Psychiatry.
13. MB Symond, AWF Harris, E Gordon, LM Williams (2014).“Gamma synchrony” in first-episode schizophrenia: a disorder of temporal connectivity?, American Journal of Psychiatry
14. Cornelis PM Veth, Martijn Arns, Wilhelmus Drinkenburg, Willem Talloen, Pieter J Peeters, Evian Gordon, Jan K Buitelaar (2014). Association between COMT Val158Met genotype and EEG alpha peak frequency tested in two independent cohorts, Psychiatry research 219 (1), 221-224
15. Glen R Elliott, Christine Blasey, William Rekshan, A John Rush, Donna M Palmer, Simon Clarke, Michael Kohn, Craig Kaplan, Evian Gordon (2014). Cognitive testing to identify children with ADHD who do and do not respond to methylphenidate, Journal of attention disorders, 1087054714543924.
16. M Arns, E Gordon (2014). Quantitative EEG (QEEG) in psychiatry: Diagnostic or prognostic use?,
Clinical Neurophysiology 125 (8), 1504-1506.
17. Carol Dobson-Stone, Patsie Polly, Mayuresh S Korgaonkar, Leanne M Williams, Evian Gordon, Peter R Schofield, Karen Mather, Nicola J Armstrong, Wei Wen, Perminder S Sachdev, John BJ Kwok (2013). GSK3B and MAPT polymorphisms are associated with grey matter and intracranial volume in healthy individuals, PloS one 8 (8), e71750.
18. E Gordon, DM Palmer, H Liu, W Rekshan, S DeVarney (2013). Online cognitive brain training associated with measurable improvements in cognition and emotional well-being, Technology & Innovation 15 (1), 53-62.
19. Stuart M Grieve, Mayuresh S Korgaonkar, Stephen H Koslow, Evian Gordon, Leanne M Williams (2013). NeuroImage : Clinical Widespread reductions in gray matter volume in depression,The Brain Dynamics Center, Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney and Westmead Millennium Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Clinical neuroimaging (Impact Factor: 2.53). 12/2013; 3:332-339. DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.08.016.
20. Grieve, S. M., Korgaonkar, M. S., Etkin, A., Harris, A., Koslow, S. H., Wisniewski, S., Schatzberg, A.F., Nemeroff, C. B., Gordon, E., Williams, L.M. (2013). Brain imaging predictors and the international study to predict optimized treatment for depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials: 14(1): 224.
21. Koslow S.H., Wang Y., Palmer D.M., Gordon E., Williams L.M. (2013). BRAINnet: A standardized global human brain project. Technology and Innovation, 15(1): 17-30.
22. Grieve SM, Korgaonkar MS, Koslow SH, Gordon E, Williams LM (2013). Widespread reductions in grey matter volume in depression . NeuroImage: Clinical (3): 332–339
23. Williams LM, Cooper NJ, Wisniewski S, Gatt JM, Koslow SH, Kulkarni J, Gordon E, Rush AJ. (2012). Sensitivity, specificity and predictive power of the “BRISC”, a brief web screen for depression, anxiety and cognitive disorders. Brain and Behavior, 2:5, 576-589.
24. S. M. Silverstein, S. D. All, J. L. Thompson, L. M. Williams, T. J. Whitford, Marie Nagy, Gary Flynn, A.W.F. Harris · Cherrie Galletly · Evian Gordon (2012). Absolute Level of Gamma Synchrony is Increased in First-Episode Schizophrenia During Face Processing, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 09/2012; 3(4):702-723. DOI: 10.5127/jep.023311.
25. KL Felmingham, C Rennie, E Gordon, RA Bryant (2012). Autonomic and cortical reactivity in acute and chronic posttraumatic stress, Biological psychology 90 (3), 224-227.
26. A Rush, LM Williams, SH Koslow, SR Wisniewski, NJ Cooper, CB Nemeroff, AF Schatzberg, E Gordon (2012). O-48-The international study to predict optimized treatment-in depression: rational, design and initial findings, European Psychiatry 27, 1.
27. J. J.Wright, C. J. Rennie, G. J. Lees, P. A. Robinson, P. D. Bourke, C. L. Chapman, E. Gordon, D. L. Rowe (2011). Simulated electrocortical activity at microscopic, mesoscopic and global scales, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11/2011; 14(02). DOI: 10.1142/S0218127404009569.
28. Marijtje L A Jongsma, Simone A E Postma, Pierre Souren, Martijn Arns, Evian Gordon, Kris Vissers, Oliver Wilder-Smith, Clementina M van Rijn, Harry van Goor (2011). Neurodegenerative Properties of Chronic Pain: Cognitive Decline in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis, PLoS ONE 08/2011; 6(8):e23363. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023363.
29. D Spronk · M Arns · K.J. Barnett · N.J. Cooper · E Gordon (2011). An investigation of EEG, genetic and cognitive markers of treatment response to antidepressant medication in patients with major depressive disorder: A pilot study, Journal of Affective Disorders 01/2011; 128(1-2):41-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2010.06.021.
30. Williams LM, Rush AJ, Koslow SH, Wisniewski SR, Cooper NJ, Nemeroff CB, Schatzberg AF & Gordon E (2011). International Study to Predict Optimized treatment for Depression (iSPOT-D), a Randomized Clinical Trial: Rationale and Protocol. Trials, 5: 12, 4. PMID: 21208417 (highly accessed paper).
31. Hatch A, Madden S, Kohn MR, Clarke S, Touyz S, Gordon E & Williams LM (2011). EEG in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa: Impact of Refeeding and Weight Gain, The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 65-75. PMID: 20063377.
32. Korgaonkar MS, Grieve SM, Koslow SH, Gabrieli JD, Gordon E & Williams LM (2011) Loss of White Matter Integrity in Major Depressive Disorder: Evidence Using Tract-Based Spatial Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Human Brain Mapping. 32:2161–2171 PMID:21170955.
33. Williams LM, Hermens DF, Thein T, Clark CR, Lamb C, Clark S, Gordon E & Kohn M (2010). Using Brain-Based Cognitive Measures to Support Clinical Decisions in ADHD. Pediatric Neurology, 42, 118-126. PMID:20117748.
34. Williams LM, Gatt JM, Grieve SM, Dobson-Stone C, Paul RH, Gordon E & Schofield PR (2010). COMT Val 108/158Met Polymorphism Effects on Emotional Brain Function are Modulated by Level of Awareness and Associated with Negativity Biases. NeuroImage. 53. 918-925. PMID:20139013
35. Evian Gordon, Donna M Palmer, Nicholas Cooper (2010). EEG alpha asymmetry in schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, panic disorder, ADHD and conduct disorder, Clinical EEG and neuroscience: official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS) 10/2010; 41(4):178-83. DOI: 10.1177/155005941004100404.
36. Leanne M. Williams, Evian Gordon (2010). ''Masked'' Span of Apprehension in Schizophrenic Subgroups, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 09/2010; 5(1):37-52. DOI: 10.1080/135468000395817.
37. Kamran Fallahpour · Simon D Clarke · Elkhonon Goldberg · Daniel F Hermens · Erin M Falconer · Evian Gordon (2010). Alterations in theta activity associated with novelty and routinization processing in ADHD, Clinical neurophysiology: official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 04/2010; 121(8):1336-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2010.02.152.
38. S H Koslow, L M Williams, E Gordon (2010). Personalized medicine for the brain: a call for action, Molecular Psychiatry; 15(3):229-30. DOI: 10.1038/mp.2009.147.
39. Leanne M Williams, Justine M Gatt, Stuart M Grieve, Carol Dobson-Stone, Robert H Paul, Evian Gordon, Peter R Schofield (2010). COMT Val108/158Met polymorphism effects on emotional brain function and negativity bias, NeuroImage 02/2010; 53(3):918-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage. 2010.01.084.
40. Leanne M Williams, Daniel F Hermens, Thida Thein, C Richard Clark, Nicholas J Cooper, Simon D Clarke, Chris Lamb, Evian Gordon, Michael R Kohn (2010). Using Brain-Based Cognitive Measures to Support Clinical Decisions in ADHD, Pediatric Neurology 02/2010; 42(2):118-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2009.08.010.
41. M. L. A. Jongsma, C. M. van Rijn, P. M. Souren, M. W. Arns, E. Gordon, E. N. van den Broeke, S. Postma, H. Goor, O. H. G. Wilder-Smith (2010). Neuropsychological and event-related potential indices of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis: Does chronic pain have neurodegenerative properties?, General Hospital Psychiatry - GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT 01/2010.
42. Gatt JM, Nemeroff CB, Schofield PR, Paul RH, Clark CR, Gordon E, Williams LM (2010) Early Life Stress Combined with Serotonin 3A Receptor and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Valine 66 to Methionine Genotypes Impacts Emotional Brain and Arousal Correlates of Risk for Depression. Biological Psychiatry, 68 (9) 818-824. PMID:20728877
43. Hatch A, Madden S, Clarke S, Touyz S, Gordon E & Williams LM (2010). Anorexia nervosa:
Towards an Integrative Neuroscience model. European Eating Disorders Review. 18(3), 165–179. PMID:20443202.
44. Hatch A, Madden S, Kohn MR, Clarke S, Touyz S, Gordon E & Williams LM (2010). Emotion Brain Alterations in Anorexia nervosa: a Candidate Biological Marker and Implications for Treatment. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 35 (4) 267-274. PMID:20598239
45. Hatch A, Madden S, Kohn MR, Clark S, Touyz S, Gordon E & Williams LM (2010). In First
Presentation Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa, Do Cognitive Markers of Underweight Status Change with Weight Gain Following a Refeeding Intervention? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43 (4); 295-306. PMID:19434607.
46. Bryant RA, Kemp A, Felmingham K, Liddell B, Olivieri G, Peduto A, Gordon E & Williams LM
(2010). Simulating Emotional Responses in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An fMRI Study.
Psychological Injury and Law, 3: 111-117.
47. Gatt JM, Williams LM, Schofield PR, Dobson-Stone, Paul RH, Grieve SM, Clark CR, Gordon E, Nemeroff CB (2010). Impact of the HTR3A gene with Early Life trauma on Emotional Brain
Networks and Depressed mood. Depression and Anxiety, 27 (8) 752-759. PMID:20694966.
48. Williams LM, Gatt JM, Schofield PR, Olivieri G, Peduto A & Gordon E. (2009). ‘Negativity bias’ in Risk for Depression and Anxiety: Brain-Body Fear Circuitry Correlates, 5-HTT-LPR and Early Life Stress. NeuroImage 47(3) 804-814 (special issue; Brain-Body Medicine). PMID:19446647
49. Alyssa C.P. Sawyer, C Richard Clark, Hannah A.D. Keage, Kathryn A Moores, Simon Clarke, Michael R Kohn, Evian Gordon. (2009). Cognitive and electroencephalographic disturbances in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and sleep problems: New insights Psychiatry Research . 10/2009; 170(2-3):183-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2008.10.026.
50. N. Moore · P. Fagan · N. Cooper · K. Barnett · E. Miretsky · L. Williams · E. Gordon (2009).
Touch-screen computerized neuropsychological assessment of Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's and Dementia 09/2009; 5(5). DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2009.07.023.
51. Kim L Felmingham · Leanne M Williams · Andrew H Kemp · Chris Rennie · Evian Gordon · Richard A Bryant (2009). Anterior cingulate activity to salient stimuli is modulated by autonomic arousal in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychiatry Research 06/2009; 173(1):59-62. DOI: 10.1016/ j.pscychresns.2008.12.005.
52. Melinda D Veltmeyer · C Richard Clark · Alexander C McFarlane · Kathryn A Moores · Richard A Bryant · Evian Gordon (2009). Working memory function in post-traumatic stress disorder: An event-related potential study, Clinical neurophysiology: official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 06/2009; 120(6):1096-106.
53. Ainslie Hatch BA · FRANZCP Sloane Madden MBBS · FRACP Michael R. Kohn MBBS · FRACP Simon Clarke MBBS · Stephen Touyz PhD · Evian Gordon PhD · Leanne M. Williams PhD (2009).
In First Presentation Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa, Do Cognitive Markers of Underweight Status Change with Weight Gain Following a Refeeding Intervention?, International Journal of Eating Disorders 01/2009; 43(4):295 - 306.
54. Williams LM, Whitford TJ, Nagy M, Flynn G, Harris AWF, Silverstein SM & Gordon E (2009).
Emotion-elicited Gamma Synchrony in Patients with First-Episode Schizophrenia: a Neural correlate of social Cognition Outcomes. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience; 34(4), 303-13. PMID:19568482.
55. Williams LM, Whitford TJ, Gordon E, Gomes L, Brown KJ & Harris AWF (2009). Neural Synchrony in Patients with a first episode of Schizophrenia: tracking relations with grey matter and symptom profile. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 34(1), 21-29. PMID:19125210.
56. Williams LM, Gatt JM, Kuan SA, Dobson-Stone C, Palmer DM, Paul RH, Song L, Costa PT,
Schofield PR & Gordon E (2009). A Polymorphism of the MAOA gene is Associated with Emotional Brain Markers and Personality Traits on an Antisocial Index. Neuropsychopharmacology 34(7) 1797-1809. PMID:19194374.
57. Williams LM, Mathersul D, Palmer D, Gur R & Gordon E. (2009) Explicit Identification and implicit Recognition of Facial Emotions: I. Age Effects in Males and Females Across 10 Decades. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31(3):257-77. PMID:18720177.
58. Gatt JM, Nemeroff CB, Dobson-Stone C, Paul RH, Bryant RA, Schofield PR, Gordon E, Kemp AH & Williams LM. (2009) Interactions Between BDNF Val66Met Polymorphisms and Early Life Stress Predict Brain and Arousal Pathways to Syndromal Depression and Anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry 14(7) 681-95. PMID:19153574.
59. Joffe RT, Gatt JM, Kemp AH, Grieve S, Dobson-Stone C, Kuan SA, Schofield PR, Gordon E & Williams LM (2009). Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism, the Five Factor Model of Personality and Hippocampal Volume: Implications for Depressive Illness. Human Brain Mapping, 30(4):1246-1256. PMID:18548532.
60. Kemp AH, Hopkinson PJ, Hermens DF, Rowe DL, Sumich AL, Clark CR, Drinkenburg W, Abdi N, Penrose R, McFarlane A, Boyce P, Gordon E & Williams LM (2009). Fronto-Temporal Alterations within the First 200 ms During an Attentional Task Distinguish Major Depression, Non-Clinical Participants with Depressed Mood and Healthy Controls: A Potential Biomarker? Human Brain Mapping, 30(2):602-614. PMID:18181154.
61. Kemp AH, Gordon E, Rush AJ & Williams LM (2009). Computerized Neuropsychological
Assessments: Pros and Cons. CNS Spectrums, 14 (3): 118-120. PMID:19407707.
62. Schofield PR, Williams LM, Paul RH, Gatt JM, Brown KJ, Luty A, Cooper N, Grieve S, Dobson-Stone C, Kuan S & Gordon E (2009). Disturbances in Selective Information Processing Associated with the BDNFVal66Met Polymorphism: Evidence from Cognition, the P300, Fronto-Hippocampal Systems. Biological Psychology 80(2): 176-188 (equal first author). PMID:18838100.
63. Craig A, Tran Y, Hermens G, Williams LM, Kemp AH, Morris C & Gordon E. (2009) Psychological and Neural Correlates of Emotional Intelligence in a Large Sample of Adult Males and Females. Personality and Individual Differences, 46 (2) 111-115.
64. Williams LM, Gatt J, Hatch A, Palmer D, Nagy M, Rennie CJ, Cooper N, Morris C, Grieve , Dobson-Stone C, Schofield , Clark , Gordon E, Arns M & Paul R (2008). The integrate Model of Emotion, thinking and self regulation: an Application to the "paradox of aging". Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 7 (3):367-404. PMID:18988298.
65. Kemp AH, Gordon E, Rush AJ, Williams LM. (2008). Improving the prediction of treatment response in depression: integration of clinical, cognitive, psychophysiological, neuroimaging, and genetic measures. CNS Spectr 12/2008; 13(12):1066-86; quiz 1087-8.
66. Peter R Schofield · Leanne M Williams · Robert H Paul · Justine M Gatt · Kerri Brown · Agnes Luty · Nicholas Cooper · Stuart Grieve · Carol Dobson-Stone · Charlotte Morris · Stacey A Kuan · Evian Gordon (2008). Disturbances in selective information processing associated with the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism: Evidence from cognition, the P300 and fronto-hippocampal systems, Biological psychology 10/2008; 80(2):176-88.
67. Danielle Mathersul · Donna M Palmer · Ruben C Gur · Raquel E Gur · Nick Cooper · Evian Gordon · Leanne M Williams (2008). Explicit identification and implicit recognition of facial emotions: II. Core domains and relationships with general cognition, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 09/2008; 31(3):278-91.
68. Leanne M Williams · Danielle Mathersul · Donna M Palmer · Ruben C Gur · Raquel E Gur · Evian Gordon (2008). Explicit identification and implicit recognition of facial emotions: I. Age effects in males and females across 10 decades, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 09/2008; 31(3):257-77.
69. Scott D. Greenwald · Chuck Smith · Evian Gordon · Philip Devlin (2008). P1-190: EEG BIS-AD predicted decline in cognitive performance of subjects with mild cognitive impairment,
Alzheimer's and Dementia 07/2008; 4(4).
70. Alex Sumich · Veena Kumari · Evian Gordon · Nigel Tunstall · Michael Brammer (2008).
Event-related potential correlates of paranormal ideation and unusual experiences, Cortex 07/2008; 44(10):1342-52.
71. A.K.I. Chiang · C.J. Rennie · P.A. Robinson · J.A. Roberts · M.K. Rigozzi · R.W. Whitehouse · R.J. Hamilton · E Gordon (2008). Automated characterization of multiple alpha peaks in multi-site electroencephalograms, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 04/2008; 168(2):396-411.
72. John Gunstad · Mary Beth Spitznagel · Robert H Paul · Ronald A Cohen · Michael Kohn · Faith S Luyster · Richard Clark · Leanne M Williams · Evian Gordon (2008). Body mass index and neuropsychological function in healthy children and adolescents, Appetite 03/2008; 50(2-3):246-51.
73. Robert H Paul · Stuart M Grieve · Raymond Niaura · Sean P David · David H Laidlaw · Ronald Cohen · Lawrence Sweet · George Taylor · Richard C Clark · Sakire Pogun · Evian Gordon (2008).
Chronic cigarette smoking and the microstructural integrity of white matter in healthy adults: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Nicotine Tob Res 10: 137-147, Nicotine & Tobacco Research 02/2008; 10(1):137-47.
74. Williams LM, Hermens DF, Palmer D, Kohn M, Clarke S, Keage H, Clark CR & Gordon E (2008). Misinterpreting Emotional Expressions in ADHD: Evidence for a Neural marker and stimulant Effects. Biological Psychiatry, 63 (10): 917-926 (included on cover). PMID:18272140.
75. Williams LM, Whitford TJ, Flynn G, Wong W, Liddell BJ, Silverstein S, Galletly C, Harris AW & Gordon E. (2008). General and social Cognition in first episode Schizophrenia: Identification of separable factors and Prediction of Functional Outcome Using the IntegNeuro test battery.
Schizophrenia Research, 99 (1-3) 182-191. PMID:18053688.
76. Bryant RA, Kemp AH, Felmingham KL, Liddell BJ, Olivieri G, Peduto A, Gordon E & Williams LM (2008). Enhanced Amygdala and Medial Prefrontal Activation During Nonconscious Processing of Fear in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An fMRI Study. Human Brain Mapping, 29 (5) 517–523. PMID:17525984.
77. Flynn G, Alexander D, Harris AWF, Whitford TJ, Wong W, Galletly C, Gordon E & Williams LM (2008). Increased absolute magnitude of Gamma Synchrony in First-Episode Schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Research, 105 (1) 262-271. PMID:18603413.
78. Gatt JM, Kuan SA, Dobson-Stone C, Paul RH, Joffe RT, Kemp AH, Gordon E, Schofield PR & Williams LM (2008). Association between BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism and Trait Depression is Mediated via Resting EEG Alpha Band Activity. Biological Psychology, 79 (2) 275–284. PMID:18721847.
79. Alexander DM, Hermens DF, Keage H, Clark CR, Williams LM, Kohn M, Clarke S, Lamb C, & Gordon E (2008). Event-Related EEG wave Activity provides new marker of ADHD. Journal of
Clinical Neurophysiology 119(1): 163-179. PMID:18054279.
80. Falconer EM, Felmingham KL, Kemp AH, Williams LM & Gordon E (2008). The Neural Networks of Inhibitory Control in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 33 (5): 413-422. PMID:18787658.
81. Keage HA, Clark CR, Hermens DF, Williams LM, Kohn MR, Clarke S, Lamb C, Crewther D & Gordon E (2008). Putative biomarker of working Memory systems development During Childhood and adolescence. NeuroReport. 19(2):197-201. PMID:18185108
82. Keage HAD, Clark CR, Hermens DF, Williams LM, Kohn MR,Clarke S, Lamb C, Crewther D & Gordon E (2008). ERP indices of working Memory updating in AD/HD: differential aspects of development, subtype and medication. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 25(1): 32-41.
83. Gordon E, Barnett K, Cooper N, Tran N & Williams LM (2008). An "Integrative Neuroscience" Platform: Application to Profiles of Negativity and Positivity Bias. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 7 (3): 345-66. PMID:18988297.
84. Gunstad J, SpitznAgel MB, Paul RH, Cohen RA, Kohn M, Luyster FS, Clark R, Williams LM & Gordon E. (2008). Body mass index and neuropsychological Function in Healthy children and Adolescents. Appetite, 50(3): 246-251. PMID:17761359.
85. Paul RH, Henry L, Grieve SM, Guilmette TJ, Niauru W, Bryant RA, Bruce S, Williams LM, Clark CR, Cohen RA & Gordon E (2008) The Relationship Between Early Life Stress and Microstructural Integrity of the Corpus Callosum in a Non-Clinical Population. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 4(1): 193-201). PMID:18728817.
86. Seckfort DL, Paul R, Grieve SM, Vandenburg B, Bryant RA, Williams LM, Clark CR, Cohen RA, Bruce S & Gordon E (2008). Early Life Stress on Brain Structure and Function Across the Lifespan: A Preliminary Study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2 (1) 49-58.
87. Williams LM, Felmingham K, Kemp AH, Rennie C, Brown KJ, Bryant RA & Gordon E. (2007). Mapping Frontal-limbic Correlates of Orienting to Change Detection. NeuroReport, 18(3): 197-202. PMID:17314656.
88. Martijn Arns · Gilles Van Luijtelaar · Alex Sumich · Rebecca Hamilton · Evian Gordon (2007).
Electroencephalographic, personality, and executive function measures associated with frequent mobile phone use, International Journal of Neuroscience 10/2007; 117(9):1341-60.
89. Robert Paul · Stuart M Grieve · Bilal Chaudary · Norman Gordon · Jeffrey Lawrence · Nicholas Cooper · C Richard Clark · Matthew Kukla · Richard Mulligan · Evian Gordon (2007). Relative contributions of the cerebellar vermis and prefrontal lobe volumes on cognitive function across the adult lifespan, Neurobiology of aging 10/2007; 30(3):457-65.
90. Leanne M Williams · Evian Gordon (2007). Dynamic Organization of the Emotional Brain: Responsivity, Stability, and Instability, The Neuroscientist 09/2007; 13(4):349-70.
91. Gordon E. (2007). Integrating genomics and neuromarkers for the era of brain-related personalized medicine. Personalized Medicine 05/2007; 4(2):201-215.
92. Donald L Rowe · Nicholas J Cooper · Belinda J Liddell · C Richard Clark · Evian Gordon · Leanne M Williams (2007). Brain structure and function correlates of general and social cognition, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 04/2007; 6(1):35-74.
93. John Gunstad · Robert H Paul · Ronald A Cohen · David F Tate · Mary Beth Spitznagel · Evian Gordon (2007). Elevated body mass index is associated with executive dysfunction in otherwise healthy adults, Comprehensive Psychiatry 01/2007; 48(1):57-61.
94. Williams LM, Das P, Liddell BJ, Olivieri G, Peduto AS, David AS, Gordon E & Harris AWF
(2007). Fronto-limbic and Autonomic Disjunctions to Negative Emotion Distinguish Schizophrenia Subtypes. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 155(1) 29-44. PMID:17398080.
95. Clarke SD, Kohn MR, Hermens DF, Rabbinge M, Clark CR, Gordon E & Williams LM (2007) Distinguishing symptom profiles in adolescent ADHD using an objective cognitive test battery. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 19(3) 355-367. PMID:17937152.
96. Das P, Kemp AH, Flynn GF, Harris AWF, Liddell BJ, Whitford TJ, Peduto AS, Gordon E &
Williams LM. (2007). Functional Disconnections in the Direct and Indirect Amygdala Pathways for Fear Processing in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 90 (1-3) 284-294. PMID:17222539.
97. Whitford TJ, Rennie CJ, Grieve SM, Clark CR, Gordon E & Williams LM (2007). Brain
Maturation in Adolescence: Concurrent Changes in Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology. Human Brain Mapping, 28 (3) 228-237. PMID:16767769.