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The downloads & links below provide you with a rapid pathway to assess your brain, de-stress
your brain, and create any new sustainable habit. 

You can type into the form fields on the PDFs, or print them out to fill them in by hand. 


The video at the bottom of the page is a short summary of the Gordon 3-Step Habit Pathway.


KNOWING Your Brain  -  Assess
•  The Gordon Brain Score in 60 Seconds

Training Tools

DOING!  - The Gordon 3-Step Habit PLAN

•  DOING!:
    The Gordon 3-Step Habit PLAN  (PDF)


•  Calm Your Brain with Resonant Breathing:
    Calm Resonance, In 60 Seconds  (Video)

•  Track your success & Transfer into your daily life:
    30 Day New Habit Challenge Worksheet  (PDF)

The Gordon 3-Step Habit PLAN - 6 Minute video

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